Brett Permeable Block Paving
Since October 2008, it has been a legal requirement to incorporate SuDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems) into any front garden or driveway over 5m² that is being paved over – even if you are only replacing an existing driveway.
This requirement was introduced to prevent any surface water run-off to the highway and thereby help reduce the risk of future flooding events and build up a more sustainable infrastructure for our urban spaces
In some instances it is not possible to incorporate a SuDS solution; in these cases you will need to seek Planning Permission from your Local Authority. Failure to do this could be a costly omission as your driveway may subsequently need to be replaced if you come to sell your property in the future
Permeable paving is a special type of block paving with slightly larger gaps between the blocks. This allows surface water to drain between the blocks into a specially designed sub-base where the water drains slowly away as it would naturally
Contact Woodward Developments for more information and to request a free quotation